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Check out the Skirted Roundtable

Written By Hourpost on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 | 10:24 AM

I was so excited to be interviewed on the Skirted Roundtable by Megan Arquette, Linda Merrill and Joni Webb last week.  (Pictured in that order, above)  I'm sure most of you know, but for those of you who don't know  (my family if you're reading ;) -  the Skirted Roundtable is a weekly online interior design radio show hosted by Linda, Megan and Joni- megabloggers & interior designers.  They discuss everything from running a design business, to seasonal decorating, to magazine stories and bloggers along with interviewing an amazing stream of people in the interior design industry.  (To say that I am the least exciting/ known person they've ever interviewed is not at all an understatement, which is why I was really shocked/ thrilled when they asked me.)  

I've been addicted since the very beginning and it's really the only radio show I know of that broaches interior design and interviews interior designers regularly.  Like many of you, I find myself nodding along, laughing outloud and just being generally enthralled by the weekly shows.  I've left embarrassingly long comments on there because I just get so into certain topics discussed.  Anyway, you can imagine how thrilled I was when they asked me to be on the show... Excited and then seriously nervous because I've never been interviewed on a radio show before and typically hate to hear my voice even in an answering machine message.

But, in true Skirted Roundtable-style, I felt instantly at ease and comfortable with these ladies I've always admired- Linda, Megan and Joni.  Thanks so much to them for thinking of me & for taking the time to put the show together. 

If you have some time, I'd really love it if you could listen to the show.  I know many of you read at work (shhhh ;) so it might not be possible at your regular blogging time, but if you do get the chance, I'd love for you to check it out and to hear what you think of it.  You can go listen here: SKIRTED ROUNDTABLE INTERVIEW.  Thank you so much!!

xoxo, Lauren
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