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Leon Lai Responds to Divorce: The Past is the Past

Written By Hourpost on Sunday, October 7, 2012 | 6:35 PM

Yesterday afternoon at 5:15pm, Leon Lai's flight from Zurich landed in Hong Kong. Leon appeared at the airport in shades, casual clothing and without his wedding ring. At the airport, Leon was surrounded by a large group of fans and over a 100 reporters. He generously stood still for pictures, while the reporters charged forward to take pictures and interview him. At one point, reporters got out of hand and Leon had trouble walking. However, Leon did a 20 minute interview with the media as he walked out of the airport.

R = Reporter ; L = Leon

R: Leon, what do you have to say today?

L: No, no, no. I have nothing to say.

R: How are you feeling? Can you say a few words?

L: I have nothing to say... ... (Because reporters kept on asking questions, he suddenly stopped and said in a serious manner) You asked me to say a few words, are you going to be speaking or will I be speaking? As far as my relationship, the past is the past. In terms of the past, it will forever belong to just the two persons. It's the past, there is nothing more for me to say."

R: Have you contacted Gaile?

L: ....(no response)

R: Are you working on the formalities of the divorce?

L: We clarified everything already. In the media realm, the most troublesome is when artists have to say more and more, but the situation gets more and more confusing. Then the issue never ends. Basically, there is nothing more I have to say. However, we are artists, so we must tell the media. The things that we were able to clarify has already been done. Thank you all.

Leon started walking away, but reporters surrounded him 360 degrees. Then reporters asked him more and more questions, "It was rumored Gaile had a third party?", "Are you going to split half of your property to Gaile?", "Are you and Gaile still friends?", etc.

Leon did not answer any of the questions.

R: Can you say something?

L: (frustrated) I can say one sentence, but then there will be a second one, a third one, a fourth one ... and it will just never end.

R: How are you feeling?

L: I'm OK.

R: But it was said you were in Beijing treating your emotional injuries?

L: (Turns around to answer reporter, still frustrated) I came back from Europe. I didn't go to Beijing at all.

Also, Christine Ng and her husband and Joe Ma and his wife were coincidentally at the airport as well. Christine just got back from France, after attending good friend Kathy Chow's wedding. After learning that Leon-Gaile are getting a divorce, she expressed its such a pity because they really matched.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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