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Shirley Kwan Pushed Down by Foreigner Trying to Cut Line, Calls the Police

Written By Hourpost on Thursday, October 11, 2012 | 9:36 PM

Version 1 (left): Shirley saw the foreigner trying to attack Chinese man, went forward to stop him, but the foreigner pushes Shirley down.
Version 2 (middle): Shirley was sitting outside of the convenient store waiting for the bus when the fat foreigner tried to dally with her, sitting closer and closer to her and this led to the dispute.
Version 3 (right): Shirley called the police in attempt to stop the fight, but the foreigner goes and slaps her in the face.

Shirley Kwan Pushed Down by Foreigner Trying to Cut Line, Calls the Police

According to sources, last night Shirley Kwan was near the Discovery Bay Pier where she and a fat foreign man got into a dispute. Shirley called the police and said the man attacked her. When the police got to the scene, they were taken the police station in Lantau Island. There were three versions of the story. At 2am, Shirley walked out of the police station with dark shades. She first called her manager and then politely asked the reporters which newspaper office they were from and then she put her manager on her cell phone's speakers. Her manager simply explained the issue to the reporters over the phone. Shirley later accepted a telephone interview and recounted the whole story.

After Shirley had dinner with some friends, she walked up to the bus stop and waited in line for the bus. There was a Chinese man standing in front of her and a male foreigner standing behind her. When the bus drove up, the Chinese man saw the male foreigner cut in line and immediately stopped him. Because there was a dispute between the two, the male foreigner started pushing the Chinese man. When Shirley witnessed the fight, she went up and told them to stop. However, the foreigner pushed Shirley down towards the Chinese man. The Chinese man immediately called the police for assistance. Shirley said: "Everyone at the scene saw that the male foreigner was wrong. He converged forward trying to get on the bus, but I was blocking him and didn't even think of my own safety. When the police got to the scene, the Chinese man asked me to be his witness. (Heard the man slapped you?) No. If he did, then he's in deep trouble. I will not let him go that easily."

Shirley expressed she smelled alcohol on the foreign man, but she's not sure if he was really drunk. She said: "He didn't look drunk because when the police came, he pretended as if he was very polite and acted completely different from before. I turned from the witness to a victim, but if I encounter a similar situation again, I will definitely do the same. Hong Kong is a civilized society, it is a virtue to abide by the rules and stand in line. He should respect that."

According to the police spokesperson, the incident happened at around 10pm last night. A woman by the surname of Kwan (46 y/o) discovered a foreign male, Michael (42 y/o) and a Chinese man by the surname of Lee (49 y/o) got into a dispute because of 'cutting in line'. Kwan was pushed by the male foreigner while trying to stop the fight and then she called the police. The police got to the scene for investigation. The attacker was arrested. Kwan sustained no injuries and the Tung Chung Police Station provided assistance.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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