Today I'm looking for your feedback. I'm due to have another one of these on Christmas Eve:
I'm planning on keeping Pure Style Home up & running, but I will definitely be needing to take a small step back for a little while. My goal is to have at least 3 posts a week: 1-2 from me & I've had some very sweet blogger friends agree to help with some guest blogging. ( I think you'll be very excited!!) My plan is to have 1 guest blogger per week. What I would love to know is what you'd like to see from them. (image below from Eddie Ross)

-Before & Afters?
-Pics & explanations of design choices in a favorite room they've designed? (kind of like the ones I do when we finish a project)
-Something about their design philosophies?
-And my brain is shutting down (eek!) so would love your ideas here!!
And also, I don't have my whole list of guest bloggers yet & haven't contacted anyone yet (just in the very beginning stages & a few friends offered which is what started this idea) so can you let me know of anyone you'd like to see & maybe I can ask & see what they say?
Thanks so much & I can't wait to hear your ideas!!
ps- thanks so much for all your really sweet feedback regarding our kitchen!! it made my day- no week!!! :)
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