Update: 1:30 pm...It really appears that some kind of haze/smoke layer is over western WA...with yellow/orange/red coloration of the sun and sky. From the eastern wa and British Columbia fires? In fact, checking on the situation, I think the overwhelming proportion of the smoke is from the many fires in British Columbia. In fact, here is a graphic for vertically integrated smoke for 10 PM from the National Weather Service. It really appears the origin is in BC.
Here is wonderful video of the smoke (http://www.drdale.com/lapse/lapse100801.wmv).
Normally I show pictures from the National Weather Service geostationary weather satellites, stationed at around 35,000 km above the surface...that is what you normally see on TV and on the web. But sometimes I turn to the NASA MODIS imagery, which provides much more resolution, but which is only available a few times a day.
Here are some MODIS images the day before...you can see the Stehekin fire very well...particularly in the close up.

Now, let me answer a question that has come up time and time again. For many cyclists in the Seattle area that live north of the city, they face headwinds in the morning and headwinds in the evening. How could this be?
The reason: the winds are often near calm in the morning, or in the situation we are in, southerly. During the day the clouds break and the land heats up. This creates a big sea breeze circulation, known as the Sound Breeze, that brings northerly flow during the afternoon (more water to the north of Seattle than south). My book has a lot more about this.
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