Here are the 48h precipitation totals ending 4 AM on Monday. You will notice some increases over the central Puget Sound (like Seattle) and over the central Washington Cascades. If this is right and 2-5 inches falls over the lowlands, there will certainly be some flooded roadways and perhaps some slides. Want to stay dry (or nearly dry)?..head for Port Townsend! South of town the forecasts are for roughly .10 inch of rain. You could play golf in that! At the same time south Seattle could be getting 20-30 times more! Just amazing. And there could be 100 times more on the windward side of the Olympics.

The National Weather Service is on top of this and their River Forecast Center is now predicting more rivers to is the latest flood forecast map:

And as forecast by our models, snow has begun on the eastern slopes of the Cascades (here is an image on I90 at Rocky Canyon west of Ellensburg.

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