Snow has slowly extended from the coast to Shelton and some scattered light snow showers have been reported in the south Sound. Snow has been falling for hours on the north coast across the NW Olympic Peninsula, with light snow across portions of the San Juans into Bellingham now.
Here is the radar image at 5:47 PM from RainWatch.

And the snow is running out of time as the temperatures aloft are now warming as warm Pacific air moves in. In 4-6 hours it will be too late!
We don't have a regular radar on the coast, but we do have a vertically pointing radar at Westport (part of NOAA's atmospheric river observatory). Here is the latest image.

So we have an interesting tug of war over Seattle and the east side--- who will win?...the drying easterlies or the snow band coming in? The models suggest the former!
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