A lot of people have been complaining about our weather lately, some even going as far as preparing plaintive videos:
The recent two weeks has been much cooler than normal with few days reaching the normal highs and precipitation several inches above normal (see graphics below)

Portland has had its fifth wettest winter on record and the LATEST on record in getting to 60F. That is really the central problem: as long as we get a few warm spring days it is tolerable...this year they have been few warm intervals.
Sunday should be decent for much of the region with a ridge moving over us temporarily. But then on Monday the configuration changes and we get a feed of very moist air...with the mountains getting several inches. Here is the 24-h predicted rainfall ending 4 AM on Tuesday.

The flow will be relatively westerly and thus the rainshadow will not be over Sequim, but rather east of the Olympics (see graphic)

Such westerly flow should be a heavy snow producer on the western slopes and crest of the Cascades. Amazingly, the snowpack in the central Cascades is still below normal, but the Olympics has seasonal snow totals that far exceed climatological norms.
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