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My back patio garden

Written By Hourpost on Thursday, May 12, 2011 | 4:30 AM

I've never been quite happy with my garden until now.  It still has a loooong way to go but I finally feel like it's going in the direction I want it to be going in:  structured yet a little wild. 

{We recently removed a bunch of daisies from the side area - transplanting them to the cutting garden along the fence- and put roses, peonies & foxglove in their place.}

When we first bought our house -in the Spring two years ago- we were looking at this:

...And I can't find a photo of it from the first year but I added a bunch of zinnias & random flowers that I was given by family & friends.  I loooved having these free-flowing/ wild-looking  flowers but they didn't quite work around the patio.  Last Fall we added dwarf holly around the patio for that structure I was craving and we moved all of the flowers to a new side cutting garden along our fence.  (And now I'll feel no guilt when I bring them inside!) 

And here is is now:

{It still has a lot of growing in to do- and mulching!- but it's finally getting to feel a bit like I've always wanted it to feel.  And yes, my child is pantsless.  It's how we roll around here early AMs and more than I'd like to admit!}

This morning my three year-old is sleeping in so Justin (my 17 month old) and I took a little stroll and he helped me take pictures:

We looooove smelling these roses.  This is a Chicago Peace rose.  I kill plants, but at my old townhome I did manage to keep a few roses alove, so fingers crossed for this beauty!

Love the small of the yellow ones.  I already forgot their name though:

Hard-to-kill succulents usually work well for me:

And I've put out some of my magnolia pillows.  They're not outdoor fabrics ( they're linen) so I'll have to be sure to pull them in before it rains. 

{I am hoping to get my online store up within a month for the fabrics!!  They're being photographed in late May.  It's been a little nutty lately so the fabric line has taken a bit of a backseat.}

And we added a vegetable garden around the side of our house.  Loooove having lettuce!!

{Before you think I'm good at gardening I have to tell you that I bought it this way.  Yes, I know, it's ready to eat & doesn't have much more growing to do but picking lettuce from my garden makes me happy :)

mm mm good!

 And the tomaters should be good this year!!

I planted lavendar around the drawf holly bushes.  I'm hoping it will do well but I've heard it's tempermental around here.

{Smells so good!!}

And finally, I'd like to thank my stylist, Justin Liess, pictured here:

{He knows just where those boots ("shoes!" as he calls them) need to go!}

I love you my little "Tunia:"

My kids get new nicknames almost weekly:
For a while he was "Petunia" .. don't ask, I don't know why
Then it became "Tunia"
Sometimes "Tunes"
And now the poor little guy is getting called "Tootaline"

I hope the scarring isn't permanent ;) ;)

xoxo, Lauren

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