Also amazing is the video of some storm chasers in Reno at roughly the same time (see below):
Now switching from amazing to really heart-warming, the tower for the coastal radar is now complete and they are now preparing the antenna and radome to be placed on top. Here is the picture:
KUOW Firing Update
I am still hoping these folks will change their mind. The attempts of management to do damage control has generally made things worse (the Stranger calls the whole incident Weathergate). KUOW keeps on pushing a story line that both Steve Scher and I know as incorrect (that I insisted on talking about non-weather topics on the weather segment). A petition to KUOW is found here.
Today there were several articles on the subject:
Very supportive commentary by veteran PI writer Joel Connelly
The Stranger editors have been highly supportive and asked my to write up my side of the event. Found here.
The Geek Wire had a story.
Lots of updates on the Facebook pages.
KUOW has one of their own news staff (Deborah Wang) working on a story about all this that will probably air tomorrow. Seems strange to have one of their own employees do this, with all the inherent conflict of interest, but we will see.
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