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Casual-Cool "Love" Rooms

Written By Hourpost on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 | 6:43 AM

This house stopped my in my tracks when I saw it in Elle Decor.  (Back in March of '09!)  It's a 1927 redone Hollywood house that was once owned by Ingrid Bergman that now belongs to director & producer Brett Ratner. (To read the full article, go here.)

{Brett Ratner's House in Hollywood, featured in Elle Decor.  Designed by the renowned Waldo Fernandez}
The laid-back house hosts great parties & is masculine and natural.  I love its collected feel (this is almost a characteristic in my favorite spaces) and the mix of vintage & traditional pieces.  The house has such a palpable sense of place and some serious vibes.  I'd love to live somewhere like this one day.

And I must think about this window at least once a month:

{Perfection }

I'm working on a project right now & I was thrilled when my client sent over this apartment as inspiration:

{Design by Brad Ford I.D. featured in Lonny}

There's nothing better when a client pulls inspiration photos from some of your favorite magazine articles.  The ones you've poured over.

This kitchen by Peter Dunham fits right in:

{by Peter Dunham featured in House Beautiful}

I love this shot of the bowl of clementines:

{Peter Dunham}

And here's another favorite.  I want this:

It's such a practical set up with there being two tables and a little space to slide in between so no one has to scoot a mile to get to the center of the other side.  (The eating areas in my home are fairly small and I imagine I'll do something similar to this in our dining room one day to accomodate us a bit better.)

I'm so excited about the design I've been working on for this client.  It's a casual-feeling mix of modern & vintage pieces with a scultptural vibe.  The space itself is light & airy & interesting.  I can't wait to see it through!!

I'm off to work but have a great day!!

xoxo, Lauren

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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