Apple has unveiled the sleek new design of its flagship Fifth Ave. store, drawing rave reviews from fans and tech experts. “The design screams out, ‘We are Apple!’ ”The centerpiece of the $6.7 million renovation, started in June, is the iconic 32-foot glass cube entrance. “What’s especially impressive is that the 24/7 store never closed during the renovations.” Along with the redesigned cube, upgrades have been made to the surrounding plaza. The store’s face-lift was unveiled Friday.
It’s Apple’s way of showing mastery of design and construction.”The renovation was the result of a collaboration between Apple and Boston Properties, the firm that owns the landmark General Motors Building which houses the store. The 5th Avenue location is a uniquely designed building with a giant glass cube on the ground level. The glass cube on top is the only notable renovation. Apple said in early August that it was “simplifying” the design by using “larger, seamless pieces of glass.”
While Apple's Fifth Avenue retail store in Manhattan is not set to reopen until 10:00 AM this morning, crews have completed their work on the revamped glass cube, fully revealing the streamlined design for the first time. MacRumors reader Vincent sent along these photos of the new cube, which utilizes only 15 panes of glass rather than the 90 used in the original cube. After five months of construction, Apple on Friday will reopen its Fifth Avenue store in New York City, according to MacRumors. Apple has replaced the 90 panels that comprised the store's iconic glass cube with just 15 "larger, seamless pieces of glass," signs bordering the construction site noted.
This Apple Store, the most-trafficked in the Big Apple, is regularly open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Although it's the smallest Apple Store in NYC, this location does more business than the other three Big Apple stores combined. According to MacRumors, Apple began removing the covering early Thursday afternoon. Apple is getting close to another unveiling in the Big Apple. At 23,000 square feet, the new location will be one of the biggest Apple Stores to date. Apple, however, hasn't yet announced an opening date.
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» Apple’s way of showing mastery of design and Construction.
Apple’s way of showing mastery of design and Construction.
Written By Hourpost on Sunday, November 6, 2011 | 4:06 AM
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