As the crowd swelling to well in excess of a thousand people — a number of whom had been queuing since the previous day — rumors began circulating on Friday morning that the BlackBerry Bellagio, also known as a BlackBerry Bold 9790, had sold out during the event at Pacific Place mall in South Jakarta. This and impatience and frustration caused the crowd to surge forward through a protective barrier, with reports saying that as many as 90 people needing treatment for a range of minor injuries, from losing consciousness to broken bones. Sandy, a Blackberry staff member, said the queue had begun forming from 4 p.m. the previous day. “The rules have changed,” said Karim, who had been queuing since early Friday morning.
“Everyone, please be patient and stand in line,” a police officer yelled through a megaphone. Please remember your own safety.”--Arifin, a security guard with a rottweiler police dog, said the situation remained tense. The South Jakarta Police stopped a BlackBerry promotion event after 90 customers either fainted or were injured as they scrambled to get their hands on half-price BlackBerry Bellagio smartphones.--“For security and safety reasons, we finally halted it [the promotion] until further notice in newspapers,” South Jakarta Police chief Sr. Comr. Imam Sugianto said Friday, as quoted by tempointeraktif.com.
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