Gonzalo Rubalcaba releases “XXI Century”, his second offering for 5Passion. “XXI” finds Gonzalo in an ensemble setting, featuring Marcus Gilmore on Drums, Matt Brewer on Upright and Electric Bass, Lionel Leouke on Guitar, Pedro Martinez on Percussion and Voice, and Ignacio Berroa on Drums. Over 120 minutes of fantastic music, this album visits many musical worlds. There’s sure to be something on this disc for everyone. Included are compositions by Lionel Leouke, Matt Brewer, Bill Evans, Paul Bley, Lennie Tristano, Enrique Ubieta and Gonzalo Rubalcaba.
racklist:1 Nueva Cubana
2 Time Remembered
3 Fifty
4 Anthem
5 Oshun
6 Moor
7 Son XXI
8 Alafia Gonzalo Rubalcaba
9 Lennie's Pennies
10 Oshun (Short Version - Bonus)
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