Ellen Chan knows pain from having loved
Written By Hourpost on Thursday, October 11, 2012 | 10:14 PM
Ellen Chen Nga Lun earlier appeared on a Cable program interview. She presented her photo book to host Wong Man Ling. Ellen said, "Back then I posed for the photo book at age 26. Girl's youth once missed is gone." She said that she shot the photo book due to Olivia Cheng Man Nga, because a photo book could be very pretty and very healthy. Back then after making a category III film FATAL LOVE (NGAI CHING) she decided to go all out. She proudly said, "It can rival Cheng Man Nga's." As for why she made a category III film, she admitted that she wanted to become an overnight success. Did she feel she succeeded? Ellen said, "I only made one category III film, without it I wouldn't have a photo book. I also wouldn't have the record release later and the success that followed."
Although her career grew stronger, Ellen after dating musician Wong Seung Wai gave up her career for love. They dated 11 years. She admitted that he was the man who she was with the longest, the most involved with and loved the best. Ellen said that "love was greater than all". As soon as she dated she neglected her career. Once when she was working on a movie, because her boyfriend had to fly elsewhere she turned down the notice and flew with him.
They loved deeply and truly but also very painfully. Ellen said, "He has said that he wanted marriage, but I thought it would have been very hard because his family kept objecting. Even if we persisted together, we would have felt hardship and pain." Finally she broke up because her older brother yelled at her. He thought that her boyfriend did not think of his sister. Ellen thought deeper and felt that her brother was right. However when they decided to break up they cried for a long time.
Back then she missed many opportunities. Now she is spurring her career on again. Is it too late? Ellen confidently said, "Different age has different flavors and opportunities. I am very confident in myself. Now I am mature, I have life experience, and the roles that I take will have more depth."
Source: Takungpao
Translated by: hktopten
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