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» Elaine Ng & Patrick Dunn Denies Ridiculous 'Car Sex' Rumor
Elaine Ng & Patrick Dunn Denies Ridiculous 'Car Sex' Rumor
Written By Hourpost on Friday, November 9, 2012 | 7:09 PM
TVB actor Patrick Dunn had always had a professional "Mr. Good" image. Actually just in the last series, Highs and Lows, he played the head of the NB department and Elaine Ng played his subordinate. However, the two were innocently involved in a massive rumor online. The rumor first started on a disciplined services website. It was said the police spotted a 7-seater van in Tsat Sing Kong, New Territories (HK) late into the night. When the police went up to the van, they "discovered NB actor and actress in the car....when using a flashlight to get a better view....the actor and actress pleaded to the police not to make it public." A commenter on the site asked: "Did anyone find out who the actor and actress are?" Then the rumor started spreading wildly on the internet. Within an hour, someone online said the actor and actress was Patrick Dunn and Elaine Ng.
Yesterday morning, Elaine Ng appeared at the radio station for an interview and was not surprised to see a large group of reporters waiting for her. She said: "I know what you all are waiting for. You want to know about the rumor between me and Patrick Dunn! The truth is there is no such thing! I don't know why there is such rumor, it's pretty funny. I'm not familiar with Patrick at all, we just met during filming. I don't even know where Tsat Sing Kong is. (Been in the same car with him before?) We were in the studio together before, but never in the same car. I think someone is playing a prank on us. (Look into the issue with Patrick?) Not necessary, we don't know each other well. I don't have his number. If I were to contact him, I have to go through the producer, which means I'm getting more and more people involved. Also, colleagues said he's not even in HK. (How will you explain this to your daughter?) There is basically no such thing. There is nothing to explain. Don't care about it."
Patrick Dunn is currently in the UK shooting for Triumph in the Skies II. He accepted a long-distance phone interview and denounced the rumor: "Ridiculous! This is insulting and hurtful. This is defamation. I'm so upset! There is absolutely no such thing. Elaine and I do not know each other well. Since day 1, we were only in contact through filming. If there must be rumors, should rumor with someone I know better, someone who I chat with and have their number! We are not children, we have families and the rumor is really sudden. If there is any evidence, then take it out. The police should have marked the license number and time, do you have it? Take it out and prove it! (How does your wife feel?) She knows what type of person I am. She believes me. (Worried this may damage your image?) The online world, whatever, but I'm not worried. My image developed by accumulation. The rumor this time, I am really upset! It is even more upsetting than the rumor back then, that I was the third wheel, who caused Deric Wan and Sonija Kwok's break up." The angered Patrick Dunn declared if he finds out who started the rumor, he will take legal action against them. Last night at 11pm, Patrick posted a written statement on Weibo clarifying once again that the rumor is fabricated, no such thing happened.
Rumor Develops Further "Elaine Ng Arrested"
However, the rumor continues to get worse and worse, yesterday the rumor turned into "Elaine Ng Arrested by the Police". The truth was, after Elaine finished her work at the radio station, she went to the gym in Sha Tin for half an hour and then home. Last night, she said over the phone: "It's ridiculous. 10 minutes ago, someone knocked on my door and asked if I was arrested? At first, I just laughed off the rumor, but now it's getting so big. Reporters from the TV stations, radio stations and magazines have all asked me to respond, but the police did not contact me. If I was arrested, then how can I answer the phone? I'm not upset, but I just feel sorry for troubling the media. (Frightened your daughter?) No!"
Kate, Raymond and Ben Support their Colleagues
TVB executive Virgina Lok expressed: "I don't believe the rumor. Basically it is impossible. They both have families." Elaine and Patrick's co-stars from Highs and Lows, Kate Tsui, Raymond Lam and Ben Wong were surprised to hear about the rumor. Raymond said: "I didn't know online rumors could get that intense. (Do you believe it?) There are always these rumors, I don't believe it. (Do the two have a relationship?) I worked on the set with Patrick more, rarely were there any scenes of the three of us. I didn't notice anything." Kate said: "I don't gossip about other people. I don't believe it's true either!" Ben said over the phone: "I have never heard of this rumor. I don't believe it, is it a prank? There are always fake news like this." Producer Lam Chi Wah was very surprised, he said: "I cannot think why it would be them. I felt unhappy after learning about this rumor."
[Oriental Daily] contacted the police's public relations spokesperson, and found out there was no such case. It appears the rumor is purely a spoof and fabricated.
Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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